Etheràgo-go potassium channels Eagl钾通道
Ether-a-go-go-related gene 快速延迟性整流性钾通道基因
go-go 最现代化的
go-go boot 中高跟长统女靴
Human ether-a-go-go related gene 人类eag相关基因
human ether-a-go-go-related gene 人类eag相关基因; 人类ether-a-go-go相关基因
Ether à go-go Ether à go-go钾通道
go and no go gage 通过及不通过规
go and no-go gauge 适度规
go no go gauge 过端不过端量规
go no-go test 目标规划
go or no go task 去或不去作业
go-no-go check list 适飞与否检查表
go-no-go gauge 验适度规; 过端-不过端量规; 通过或不通过规
go-no-go radiation detector 辐射限量侦检器
go-no-go test equipment 适度检验装置
goornogo task 去或不去作业
go abroad strategy 蜜柑草
“stop and go” hypothesis 停走停假设